Saturday, December 31, 2005

Increase you Marketability - Get Certified

1. Certification demonstrates your commitment to the profession. Receiving your certification shows your peers, supervisors and, in turn, the general public your commitment to your chosen career and your ability to perform to set standards. Since university degrees can no longer represent the full measure of professional knowledge and competence in today's evolving job market, certification sets you apart as a leader in your field.

2. Certification enhances the profession's image. Association certification programs seek to grow, promote, and develop certified professionals, who can stand "out in front" as examples of excellence in the industry or field.

3. Certification reflects achievement. And not only achievement, but personal achievement. A certified professional has displayed excellence in their field and fulfilled set standards and requirements.

4. Certification builds self-esteem. Association certification programs create a standard for a particular profession, complete with performance standards, ethics, and career paths. You'll begin to define yourself beyond a job description or academic degree. You'll see yourself as a certified professional who can control his or her own professional destiny and find a deep sense of personal satisfaction.

5. Certification establishes professional credentials. Since it recognizes your individual accomplishments, certification stands above your resume, serving as an impartial, third-party endorsement to your knowledge and experience. And when the public looks for individuals qualified to perform services, they seek individuals-like you-who have achieved certification.

6. Certification improves career opportunities and advancement. Certification gives you the "edge" when being considered for a promotion or other career opportunities. Certification clearly identifies you as an employee who can adapt to changes in work, technology, business practices, and innovation.

7. Certification prepares you for greater on-the-job responsibilities. Since certification is a voluntary professional commitment to an industry or field of knowledge, it is a clear indicator of your willingness to invest in your own professional development. Certified professionals are aware of the constantly changing environment around their profession and possess the needed tools to anticipate and respond to change.

8. Certification provides for greater earnings potential. As a certified professional, you can expect many benefits, but for today's down-sized, right-sized, topsy-turvy working world, salary increases speak for themselves. One association survey reported that their certified professionals earn more than non-certified professionals.

9. Certification improves skills and knowledge. Ideally, achieving certification shows your individual competence by confirming proficiency and career involvement and assuring knowledge.

10. Certification offers greater professional recognition from peers. Hear that applause? It's all for you! As a certified profession you can expect increased recognition from your peers for taking that extra step in your professional development.

Go to for more details...

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