Friday, September 29, 2006

Website News

Updates to the Exam Simulator

Hello All,

I wanted to take a moment and drop a quick note to update our readers about the new version of our PMP Exam Question Simulator that will be made available soon. We are making a number of additions to help maximize usability and minimize study time. As you all know, we had been delivering our content through the CMS system called Moodle. Moodle is a great tool, but we've made a decision to transition to new software with greater functionality and a new sleek look and feel.

With the new software, our exam simulator customers will be able to register, view different lessons and be able to take a test after completing each lesson.

Lesson and Testing Features:

The lessons are composed of a combination of text, images or video. If you answer the question incorrectly a pop-up window will appear that corresponds to the section that the question addresses. The system will also help you count the number of attempts it takes you to get an answer correct. After a lesson is complete you will see a summary page that displays each question and the number of attempts it took you to complete the question.

All test questions will be choosen randomly from our database, muxh like the actual PMP Exam. Real time results will be available after finishing the test and you can see your history and rank after completing test.

Our PMP certification exam preparation tool is designed for students to prepare PMP candidates for the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. includes an online based PMP exam simulator. With students can gauge the candidate’s readiness for the PMP exam.

Our exam simulator includes over 1000 practice questions covering all PMBOK knowledge areas. All of our questions have been developed and peer reviewed by PMP certified instructors with years of experience preparing PMP candidates. The question bank is updated regularly to ensure the questions are up to date, and most accurately reflect the current PMP exam.

Visit today to ensure your PMP Success!

Does the PMP Have Value?

Foote Partners LLC, an IT workforce research company, assesses the skills and pay of more than 35,000 IT professionals in over 1,800 North American and European companies. In a recent survey, they found that the Project Management Professional certification provides the best bonuses for IT professionals, averaging 15% of base pay.

Just what is a PMP certification and why does it add so much value to the people who hold it? The reason is mostly due to the fact that the Project Management Institute issues the certification. The Project Management Institute, or PMI, is a global organization, with chapters in all but about four countries throughout the world. PMI has a rigorous criteria and a very difficult exam which potential PMP's must pass before they can become certified.

There are two categories of people who can pursue PMP certification. The first category is for those who have college degrees. People in this category must have 4,500 hours of continuous, non-overlapping project management experience for 36 consecutive months within the past five years. The second category includes those project managers who have not attended college. People in this category must have 7,500 hours of continuous, non-overlapping project management experience for 60 months over an eight-year period. Both categories must also prove that they have participated in 35 hours of project management training within the past ten years.

Project Managers who meet either category must file an eligibility application with PMI. Once PMI reviews an application and determines if a candidate is eligible, they release an eligibility letter. A candidate then receives the eligibility letter to take the PMP certification exam.

The certification exam is a difficult one. The industry standard pass rate is rumored at 60%.

Presently there are in excess of 200,000 PMI members, with many others joining PMI to pursue the PMP certification.

Based on the salary increases experienced by IT professionals with the PMP, this credential carries some clout and is capturing great interest. Membership statistics from PMI indicate that the Computers/Software/DP and IT industries are the top two industry areas among PMI members, with about 15,000 and 12,000 members respectively in each industry category (estimated in 2005).

In whatever way people prepare to become certified Project Managers, the benefits are immeasurable to both the employee and the employer. Employees are rewarded with increased salaries, job promotions, and in general, better job prospects. Employers who use PMP's are assured that they have hired Project Managers who have a core competency in Project Management and the requisite experience to perform as a project manager. Studies have shown that projects managed by people who are not certified Project Managers have only a 25% chance of success, whereas projects run by those who are knowledgeable in Modern Project Management tools and techniques - as are people with the PMP certification - have a 75% success rate.

Who do you think companies would prefer to have at the helm of their projects?
